

EpicDB is Search engine powered by community driven data. EpicDB contain all fraudulent data like spam phone number, email , website, seller products etc. so anyone check authenticity of data by simply searching in EpicDB. Anyone can contribute data to EpicDB. Once you are confirm the data is fraudulent and it can be harmful to other share with

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Annual cyber conference camp.All similar minded people camp in a place for sharing knowledge , research , experience, fun. Also people can hack or protect simulated world called red zone. red zone is a place with no restrictions and rules you can hack ATM,CAR, IOT,SCADA, smart appliance. or you can protect it by join to Blueteam. or you can be guard, side walker , you can pick any role you want. 

Next event will inform

Opensource project

Epicsquad is a strong  supporter of opensource projects.

EpicOS-  A Operating system for hacker’s. primary focus of this operating system is in IOT, wireless ,automobiles , web, network etc.

DefenOS – A rasberry pi based Operating system for self protection, connect bunch of espcam, and raspberry pi together to monitor your surroundings for you.